Hi this is - Me
Welcome to Pirisi's Passport, a deeply personal travel blog slash diary where I (intent to) bravely share the ups, downs, joys and struggles of exploring the world and the confusing period of adulthood as a perpetually curious - yet often stressed - “normal person”. And I provide good routes and tips and stuff.
I guess that summarises it. So I am done I suppose?
Michelle Pirisi
Okay….. I might be able to tell you a bit more about myself 😜
Okay, okay (very excited), I will start with the best thing about me—my “been”-list. If this is the first page you’re visiting, it’s basically like a scratch map in an app format—except you don’t scratch anything off… you just click on the countries you’ve been to. But you get the idea. Soooooooo, may I present to you, for the very first time, my been-map!
Alright, scratch that last part—let’s try again!
Okay, okay (very excited), I’ll start with the best thing about me—my husband Sam 💍💒👰🏻♀️
We met in 2019 in San Diego, got married in October 2022 in Las Vegas, and now we’re living in Germany. And yes, you guessed it—we’re both big travel lovers. Since my husband is Welsh, we’re also huge rugby fans 🏉🏟️. Let me know in the comments if you’d like to hear more about our story, and I might just write a blog post on it!
Now, maybe it’s time to actually talk about myself and why I started this blog.
It all began in autumn 2024, when I was close to finishing my Master of Education. I realised I didn’t actually want to become a teacher—but I had no idea what else to do. At the time of writing I did not even know where to live (let's hope that has changed by now). I’m someone who needs a plan, as it gives me a sense of security: financially, in terms of time management, and generally for my future. If there’s such a thing as a quarter-life crisis—I’ve got it!
That same year, I was diagnosed with depression, which explained the years of migraines, stomach-sickness, sleep deprivation, and just about every kind of anxiety you can think of. To help manage my stress, my psychologist suggested I try doing more things that make me happy and bring me joy. But, honestly, I couldn’t think of a single one. The only thing that came to my mind was traveling. But let's face it - long flights or drives, time-zone changes, different weather, unfamiliar food, limited access to familiar comforts or routines, language barriers....like I am stressed just listing those. I’m stressed about everything in daily life too, really, so staying home is not the solution here either. But, travelling isn’t exactly a hobby you can casually do after work anyways. So I tried the "closest alternative" - photography. But my motivation didn’t last long. Sam is the real photographer, and after seven years of studying, I don’t have the patience to learn something new right now. Says the person setting up a website with no clue about anything (and definitely stressing over it!). Did I mention, I am a perfectionist as well and this website does not wanna let me move my picture where I want it to be? And can someone please explain to me how I get this drop-down menu linked to actual blog categories?
A photo Sam took on our trip to Japan. One of my most favourites he took. Love the documentary, raw situation he captured.
So why this blog? First, I need to keep a diary about the positive things in my life - so this fits perfectly. Second, I love travelling and sharing my routes, adventures, and tips with friends and family—so why not share them with the world? Third, my memory is terrible, and I need a way to remember where I’ve been (seriously, I’ve seen the Dublin library “for the first time” twice… long story).
How I like to travel: My travel style is hard to explain; it’s like a backpacker with money. I want the cheapest option, and I don’t mind staying in a hostel sharing a bathroom, eating from 7/11, and wearing the same clothes for two weeks. But I also don’t want to miss out (#fomo) on amazing adventures like sleeping in the Sahara Desert, flying in an open-door helicopter over New York, and dancing at the Carnival in Rio. I’ve travelled with my sister, my husband, my parents, friends from home, and friends I’ve made along the way. I’ve also travelled by myself—but definitely should do it more (fighting my fears!!!). Dealing with stress and sleep deprivation often holds me back though—not just when it comes to booking the cheapest flight at 5 am, but also in being able to actually enjoy what I’m doing. The best part of my travels so far is looking at the pictures afterward because, in the moment, there’s always something wrong with me. So this is basically what I am currently working on.
I’m going to share the less glamorous sides of my life with depression and anxiety, because it still seems to be a taboo topic. I’ll also talk openly about money, my period products, and the mistakes I’ve made along the way—so this blog is definitely for the open-minded. But mostly, I want to share my passion. No matter how scary it is, travelling is one of the best things in the world. Often, the things that scare me, are the ones I most want to experience: meeting new people, trying unfamiliar foods, getting lost in a new place, leaving my comfort zone, and just letting go. So I hope I can inspire you to travel too—to book that trip you’ve always dreamed of but never had the time or money for. It’s worth it. I don’t want to look back in 50 years and regret the experiences I missed out on.
What is your story? Share it in the comments 💕
If you’re wondering how I plan to finance my future travels—well, I’m currently on the lookout for a remote job. Any suggestions are more than welcome, haha! But if I end up picking kiwis in New Zealand, teaching German online, changing bed sheets in a hostel, or even improving AI models—I’m open to it. I chose to step away from the safe path of becoming a teacher (at least for now) in the hope of finding more happiness and less stress. In hindsight, you always know what would have been the better choice, but we’re all living for the first time, and making mistakes is part of growing (and of course I follow my own sayings.....lets hope my psychologist does not read this).
If you're enjoying my blog posts and stories, consider donating to me to help keep this passion project going strong. Your support means the world to me, but no pressure at all - I'm just grateful you're here!
A few more (fun) facts about me:
Vegetarian (and somewhat picky-eater) 🥒🥔🍄
Karateka 🥋
Pady Open-Water Diver 🤿
Really wants to go to Antartica (but can't stand the cold) 🥶
Got my eyes lasered—no more glasses! 🕶️
Sex is better on holiday (nervous laughter) 🏝️🍹
Studied English, Natural and Science, German as a Second Language as well as Geography (but please don’t ask me about capitals)
Terrified of heights but skydived twice 🪂
Never stop fighting! But maybe open your eyes while doing so....