Chaotic, Noisy, Colourful - Mumbai
Asia Michelle Pirisi Asia Michelle Pirisi

Chaotic, Noisy, Colourful - Mumbai

From accidentally wandering into bustling slums to witnessing the remarkable Dabbawala lunch delivery system and exploring the world's largest open-air laundry, Mumbai hits all five senses at once like they're throwing a party and invited everyone they know.

From the moment I stepped off the plane and told Sam, "It smells like India", I was transported back nine years. Discover why Mumbai makes the perfect entry point to India's beautiful chaos—"India Lite" as I call it—while I battle health anxieties and come to terms with travelling in a country that once tested my limits.

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Do We Travel the World Full-Time Soon?
Asia Michelle Pirisi Asia Michelle Pirisi

Do We Travel the World Full-Time Soon?

After 20 years of education, I'm finally taking the biggest step of my life - leaving everything behind to travel the world full-time with my husband Sam. Our first stop? India in February, followed by Vietnam and Hong Kong. While Sam's living his nomadic dream with a remote job, I'm still figuring out my path. Yes, it's terrifying leaving family, friends, and my support system behind. Yes, there are challenges - health issues, visa applications, and financial puzzles to solve. But surprisingly, I'm okay with all the unknowns. Maybe it's because our timing feels right: Germany isn't feeling right anymore, we're young, child-free, and ready for change. Maybe it's because we can always come back if things don't work out. Or maybe I'm just too busy finishing my master's degree to worry! Whatever comes next, we're choosing adventure over certainty, and I can't wait to share this journey with you.

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